Planning Comm Archive
The Planning and Highways Committee was renamed the Planning, Highways and Environment Committee at the November 2021 Parish Council Meeting to focus minds on the importance of considering the environment in every decision that is taken.
The committee normally meets on the first Tuesday of every month to consider recent planning applications submitted to the planning authority, Mole Valley District Council, and to receive details of the planning decisions made by that authority.
The committee, under the chairmanship of Lisa Scott, makes recommendations to the full Charlwood Parish Council which then approves them or decides to make amendments. The approved comments are then sent to MVDC and taken into consideration by the district council in weighing up the merits of an application.
NOTE as of April 2022, the recommendations of the Planning, Highways and Environment committee are minuted and subsequent to April 2022 can be found as an appendix in the full Parish Council meeting minutes.