Mole Valley Local Plan
Future Mole Valley - a Consultation Draft Local Plan to guide development in the District to 2033 - contains significant proposals for Hookwood, including the construction of 450 dwellings on one site alone, and important boundary changes for Charlwood.
Charlwood Parish Council objects most strongly to these plans which it believes are misguided, wholly excessive and which will place an intolerable strain on the local infrastructure. The loss of Green Belt land - highly valued because of its brake on urban sprawl and because of its value in mitigating the effects of climate change - should be resisted.
CPC has delivered a detailed rejection of Mole Valley District Council's plans and urged it to look again at brownfield sites both in the parish and throughout the district. It welcomes and supports the comments of Horley Town Council and Reigate and Banstead Borough Council who have both opposed the plans.
The CPC objections can be viewed by clicking on the link below.